Saturday, 5 May 2012


THIS IS NOT ATHENS: A Sketch: It is the morning after, and dawn finds me still hanging around here, disoriented, between the smoldering ashes, eyes burning, stomach chur...

1 comment:

  1. HI Joanna,
    Could not find anywhere on your blog to comment.
    This amazing passionate piece - I feel for you /with you in your struggle. I am not in the front line like you, but I support you with all my heart.
    I hitch-hiked to Greece maybe 50 years ago, stayed in Athens and the tiny island of Ios, where there were no cars, only donkeys for transport. Of course all that has changed and I was a tourist, but it spoke to me then and I feel for you now.
    That quote by Sartre is very powerful - How do we feel the freedom under so much oppression? Like a flower pushing through concrete expresses freedom in a way that a cultivated fieldful of flowers does not. Every precious step in conscious mindfulness asserts our dignity. I salute you and send you all my love,
