In London we are presently developing a new series of assemblies on localism, community and the commons. We are developing an English language reading list and links for the commons theme, we have so far the following, please could you/others add any we should include for people new to the whole concept ?
Either on this list or in comments at http://www.peoplesassemblies.
Thanks !
Reading Materials on the Commons selected by OWS’ Making Worlds
Podcast recommended by Darren from PAN
David Bollier: Property & Commons, and The Gift Economy
School of Commoning 'Knowledge Garden' list of links http://www.schoolofcommoning. com/content/community- knowledge-garden
Essential commons resources for Occupiers (source George Por) 2012/04/09/social-charters-a- comprehensive-program-for- reclaiming-sovereignty-over- our-natural-and-social- commons-resources/">Social Charters: A comprehensive program for (re)claiming sovereignty over our natural and social commons resources
Sage Advice for Occupy? from Nobel winner Elinor Ostrom
A Commons-inspired “Occupy theory” of collective action
Occupy + Commons: The Beginnings of a Beautiful Relationship
12 Reasons You’ll Be Hearing More About the Commons in 201
Convergence for a Commons-Based Economy</a> – Quilligan’s closing remarks of his 12-day seminar series
Secondary List (also from George P)
First, Occupy the Market State: Second, Claim Sovereignty: Third, Practice Subsidiarity
‘Occupy’ as a business model: The emerging open-source civilisati
Occupying the Commons – a Project, an interview with Saki Bailey
Campaign Brief: Caring for the Commons
Surveying Commons Activism on the International Stage
The nascent story of the Escuela de los Commons
http://antonionegriinenglish. 93152857-hardt-negri- declaration-2012.pdf - Declaration by Hardt & Negri
I have been puzzling about how we can discuss the commons in our workshops when for many of us it is a totally new concept, as though we have to study it before we can talk about it. I would like to make a plea for also consulting our inward feelings to enrich our understanding of the Commons. I am talking about something like a universal memory born with us that recognises that we have a right to preserve and protect those elements which support our life and well being. Something in us knows that we should be in charge of caring for our planet in a way that preserves it for our children and children's children.
Back in the 17th century the Diggers were one of the first truly egalitarian political movements and the first to argue for full equality of men and women. They did not have access to the wealth of literature that we have but they asserted: “The World was made a common treasury for all!”. And of course the roots go back even further.
Let's use all this material by all means, but not to let it become too intellectual or academic an excercise. Let's remember it's roots in the earth and in ourselves which bind us to each other and the world and which we can consult directly by looking within ourselves and accessing our own aspirations and intentions.
best love, Anna
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