December 20th people from Occupy Hebden and HebdenTransition
met at the Trades Club to explore whether and how we can work
together to achieve our common aims. Having been part of both
movements I can see many similarities, but there are also differences
which need to be respected. Both groups are aware that the path we
are on globally is endangering our very existence as a human society,
but whereas Transitioners are not given to delving into the reasons,
for they want to concentrate on the solutions, Occupiers often
criticise the system as a whole and tend to feel that nothing less
than total refurbishment will do. Transitioners are in the main happy
to work with what we have, and see that much can be done by
empowering local communities to develop alternative systems side by
side with what is already existing. They have done much to open
people's eyes to the loss of community and what can be achieved by
re- investing in it. Occupiers challenge the status quo with protest
marches, camping out in city centres, supporting workers' strikes,
even challenging the law in the courts, and focus attention
particularly on financial institutions which bend the law to suit
themselves. The vast division between those who benefit from the
influence that corporations have on government policy, and those who
suffer from it, is expressed in the slogan of 'we are the 99%'. The
advantage of the Occupy movement is in combining this array of
different interests under one umbrella. Both movements see the
possibility of a society where joy in working together and sharing
resources replaces the competitive system of industrial growth which
is destroying the planet. While Occupy is envisaging the possibility
of at some point changing the system, Transition is building an
alternative system run by local people for the people. Together we
can work to make this happen.
Anna Harris
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